Water is vital for all kinds of life. Taking into account the population explosion and climate changes, this issue will be crucial in the future for most of the world. People should be aware of the water quality and resources and contribute to its sustainability not only in their small area but in a global scale; they must respect other people, their diversities and special needs.
During this project, learners under the guidance of their tutors, will do some simple researches. First, they will look into their own water consumption and bills, find any significant changes and try to find some explanation if any; they will discuss their findings, fill a questionnaire and send it to their partners. One of the partners will undertake to analyze the results and report to the partners during the next meeting. The partners will discuss the outcome,modify or accept it and publish it. The results will be disseminated in order to learn more from one another and to create the necessary public participation in an effort to raise awareness and wider understandingĀ which will lead to the improvement of the attitude of people towards using water wisely as well asĀ towards other relevant environmental, energy ,economy or social issues.
The same procedure will follow for the next steps and meetings:
- examine the quality of water, pollution sources and treatment of water.
- look into the regional situation, demands for domestic, industrial and agriculture use; projection in the future.
- notice any climate changes and how they will affect water availability and quality.
- find examples of new cultivations or irrigations for water saving.
- conclude to some practical measures or incentives to be introduced in a small scale in the areas of the partners by local authorities and institutions.